Why become a volunteer?

To represent all Albertans, we need to hear concerns from seniors throughout the entire province. Would you like to be a voice for the community?

Your volunteering helps all Alberta seniors!

Volunteering is rewarding and empowering!

Alberta Council on Aging has a proud heritage of volunteerism in working to improve the quality of life for older adults.

Volunteer Application Form

What volunteer position(s) are you interested in?

Apply offline?

To apply for a volunteer position please complete the Volunteer Application Form and send it in by email or mail.


Regional Director for the Board/ad hoc committees as needed

Provide leadership for awareness and fundraising to ensure organization’s viability

Assist in grant research and writing grant proposals

Present Alberta Council on Aging’s Priority Areas virtually or in person

Listen and engage with your local community to amplify the voices of older adults and share what you’re hearing with you regional Board Director. 

Follow Alberta Council on Aging on social media by sharing social media and newsletters with friends and family. Introduce the council to new friends and contacts